Kajian Literatur Pemanfaatan Electroencephalography Dalam Riset Goal Pursuit

Ufi Fatuhrahmah, Yusuf Aziz Amrulloh


Neuropsychological research-related goal pursuit has increased recently to examine the "engine" behind the process. Researchers often use brain imaging tools to identify the emotions and cognitive processes behind the goal pursuits. Electroencephalography is one of the most economical imaging tools compared to others. This literature review revealed the dominance of studies on regulation, implementation of within-subject design experiments, and ERP analysis in goal pursuit studies during the period 2004-2022. However, this study also discusses comprehensively beyond these trends and dominance. Goal pursuit studies are still very wide open to be revealed through EEG, especially with the latest findings to overcome the weaknesses of EEG spatial resolution.


literature review, electroencephalography, EEG, goal pursuit

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