A Content Analysis of Advertising Appeal in Mobile Game Ads Free to Play

Rahma Kahayani Ihsan, Fajar Junaedi


The share of Free-to-Play (F2P) mobile games in the United States has increased in-game advertising to 94%. Entering the heyday of mobile games, many game developers are competing in this market. The emergence of intense competition suppresses the high use of hype and provocative advertising appeals, so advertising broadcasting in the realm of free mobile games is considered to have experienced a decline. This study aims to reveal the reality of F2P mobile game advertisements through empirical glasses. Using quantitative description content analysis methods, researchers collect F2P mobile game advertisements from 2017-2021 of casual, puzzle, simulation, action, and strategy types. The results found that 79.69% of the 100 samples used emotional appeal, consisting of 45.73% positive and 33.96% negative, with the use of attraction containing provocative messages 62.40%, as well as the use of rational appeal as much as 20.31%.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v1i1.11261


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