Green Zone Tourism Promotion Strategy of the Bali Government Tourism Office in 2021

I Ketut Adi Mariana, Nur Sofyan


Indonesia is a country that has a variety of natural charms that everyone can enjoy in the tourism sector. However, the pandemic caused by Covid-19 so far has not subsided, which of course, most people in Bali who depend on the tourism sector lose their jobs and even do not get a livelihood for their living needs. From that, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia appointed Bali Province as one of the provinces implementing the green zone program to support the recovery of the tourism economy. Implementing the tourism recovery plan in the province of Bali is carried out in stages. The government has designated three areas in Bali as green zones: Ubud, Sanur, and Nusa Dua. It is essential to see the strategy of the Bali Government Tourism Office in promoting the green zone as an effort for tourism recovery. This study aims to identify and describe the marketing communication strategy of the Bali Government Tourism Office in introducing a green zone as an effort for tourism recovery in 2021. This research will offer new wealth in the research related to marketing communication strategies that focus on the green zone sector in Indonesia. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted to examine green zone efforts for tourism recovery based on the marketing communication strategy concept. Findings revealed that the Bali Government Tourism Office adopted at least more than one of the tourism destination marketing communication mixes to promote green zone as an effort for tourism recovery in 2021. In addition, the Bali Government Tourism Office was also considering the pentahelix stakeholder model, where the five stakeholders in the model are invited to discuss how to make the program successful.

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