Political Marketing Communication Strategy of dr. H. Muchamad Nur Aziz, Sp.PD – Drs. KH. M. Mansyur, M.Ag (AMAN) in Magelang Mayor Election 2020

Reynaldi Arjuna Dwi Wicaksono, Nur Sofyan


Political contestation in Indonesia uses a democratic system in every general election to monitor the people for political candidates by looking at what the community needs. Political parties can undoubtedly participate in implementing the General Election to represent a group along with the objectives of the political program they are carrying. In the election of the Mayor of Magelang, political competition exists between the majority party and non-majority parties. The non-majority party managed to win the mayoral seat in the 2020 election amid high public knowledge of the majority party. Judging from the vote results, the majority party lost severely, with a percentage of almost 21% of the non-majority parties in the city of Magelang. It is a unique phenomenon to be researched to see the political marketing communication strategy for this pair as a candidate from a non-majority party. This study will offer knowledge of political marketing communication strategies, especially for candidates promoted from non-majority parties in winning political contestations. This study aims to describe the political marketing communication strategies used by the PKB Party to get the most votes in the 2020 Magelang mayoral election. A qualitative case study examined the strategy for winning the pair of Dr H. Muchamad Nur Aziz, Sp.PD – Drs KH. . M. Mansyur, M. Ag. (AMAN) in the 2020 Magelang mayoral election by using a political marketing communication strategy. The findings reveal that AMAN couples use the silent strategy to attract public attention to the couple. The AMAN pair uses a pull, pass and push strategy to find potential voters with the same vision and mission as this pair. In addition, word of mouth with the smallest target scope, especially the mother of the family welfare program in each neighborhood, was the primary key to passing the information on the couple's vision and mission.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v1i1.11344


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