Anjani Betty Afriani


Acts of intolerance remain a real threat to the unity and harmony ofreligious people. This research is motivated by the many acts ofintolerance that trigger conflict and violence between religious people.The purpose of this study was to find out how the communication of theInterfaith Srikandi community group in building tolerance betweenreligious people. This research is a type of basic research with qualitativeresearch methods and uses a case study approach to analyze data. Datacollection was conducted through interviews with community founders,coordinators, and Srili members, observation, and documentation. Theresults of this study show that the communication established within theInterfaith Srikandi community is one-way and two-way, and offline andonline. There are five norms that members refer to in acting, namelymaintaining solidarity, dialogue, cross-identity, empathy, andempowerment. Srili's existence is increasingly accepted in thecommunity as evidenced by Srili's achievements, namely theprocurement of activity programs, cooperation with outside parties suchas the government and educational institutions, and the Interfaith Srikandicommunity is growing with the increase of members not only inYogyakarta but almost throughout Indonesia. this study concludesroupcommunication is a strategic way of building tolerance between religiouspeople.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v1i1.11657


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