Influential Factors in Friendship Establishment Decisions Instagram Users in the Disruptive Era

Hafidz Nurul Izza, Rendra Widyatama


Instagram is a highly popular social media platform worldwide, including in Indonesia. In this disruptive era, both men and women extensively use Instagram for various purposes, making efforts to expand their social connections on the platform. Unfortunately, studies on the factors influencing men and women in forming friendships are relatively scarce. This research aims to uncover the aspects that influence Instagram users' decisions in forming friendships, based on gender in the disruptive era. The researcher employed a qualitative method, collecting data using a semi-open questionnaire. A total of 52 informants were involved in the study, meeting three inclusive criteria: active Instagram users, willingness to participate as research informants, and a minimum of two years' experience using Instagram. After tabulating the data based on simple frequency distribution, the researcher found that on Instagram, men and women tend to make different decisions when it comes to forming friendships. Men use Instagram as a means of entertainment, as they are inclined to be friends with individuals who share similar interests and preferences and enjoy entertaining posts. On the other hand, women use Instagram to develop themselves, as in addition to making friends with those who share common interests, they also appreciate posts that provide information and knowledge. This research has broad implications for various purposes, highlighting the importance of considering gender aspects in the use of Instagram

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