Communication patterns in resolution of interpersonal conflicts in cases of disloyalty in premarried couples in Yogyakarta

Nabilah Ghina Faiqoh, Suciati Suciati


Cases of infidelity in premarital partners are difficult to avoid. Infidelity is a form of conflict that can damage trust and destroy a relationship in premarital couples. Good communication is needed to resolve and create solutions to interpersonal conflicts. This research uses Joseph De Vito's theory about communication patterns as a theoretical basis. This research aims to describe in detail communication patterns in resolving interpersonal conflicts in cases of infidelity among premarital couples in Yogyakarta. The research method uses qualitative descriptive research with qualitative analysis methods. The three pairs of informants, the researcher studied that two of the three pairs of informants used a monopoly communication pattern as a communication pattern used in conflict resolution, causing conflict resolution to be dominant on one party so that the solution did not benefit both parties. The equal communication pattern is an alternative for resolving conflict, because freedom of opinion for each party is prioritized and openness means that the solution created can benefit both parties. Factors that influence the communication patterns used in accommodative conflict management monopoly communication patterns where one party puts aside their personal desires, so that the solution that occurs only benefits one party. Meanwhile, the factor that influences a couple using an equal communication pattern is collaborative conflict management (collaboration style) which creates a win-win solution for both parties.

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