Anisa Jala Palupi


Students at school, especially at the Senior High School level, must prepare themselves to enter the working life.
One of the provisions they must have is career planning skills. To improve student's planning skills, they can be
provided by classical guidance services using the Problem Based Learning method with True or False card media.
Classical guidance is a guidance program designed by holding face-to-face meetings with class-based counseling.
Problem Based Learning method is a type of learning model that involves students in an activity (project) to
produce a product. This learning model emphasizes more on the long-term learning process, learn how to
understand and solve real problems, it is also interdisciplinary, and involves students as the main actors in
designing, implementing, and reporting the results of activities. To be able to maximize classical guidance services
using the Problem Based Learning method, it is necessary to use the right media, like the True or False card. The
true or false card provide statement that allow students to answer either it is true or false and also students explain
the reasons for choosing true or false that have been chosen previously. The method used in this research is
Guidance and Counseling Action Research. The subjects in this research are students of class XI TKJ SMK Negeri
Cilebar who has a low category of career planning skill questionnaire. The data collection technique used in this
research was using a questionnaire.The data analysis technique used by the researcher is quantitative data
analysis. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that there is an increase in career planning
skills through classical guidance services using the Problem Based Learning method with true or false card media.

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