N W SUSANTI, Riana Mashar, MUSTIAH Mustiah


Early childhood education (PAUD) one of which can be done in formal PAUD, namely Kindergarten (TK) or
Raudhatul athfal (RA). In education in kindergarten (TK) or Raudhatul athfal (RA) there are aspects of cognitive
development that can be developed in various ways, for example by playing activities. It is intended that children
do not lose their playing time, playing is a fun activity for children, playing helps children recognize themselves
and their environment, so that children do not feel burdened and become interesting things for children. In learning
activities, methods, strategies and strategies are needed. support for effective teaching aids so that they can arouse
children's enthusiasm in participating in learning activities. The facts that exist in the children of group B TK
DHARMA WANITA III PURWOKERTO, there are still children who have less cognitive abilities, this can happen
because the method used by the teacher is not appropriate, the teacher's lack of creativity in delivering learning
materials, as well as the use of teaching aids that are not appropriate. inappropriate so that children feel less
interested, less enthusiastic in learning activities and limited time in teaching because of the covid-19 pandemic

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