Yuli Nurwanti, Aris Thobirin


Coronavirus Disease Pandemic (COVID-19) that hit the world since the beginning of 2020 has an
impact on the inhibition of education not only in Indonesia but around the world. Learning that
should be face-to-face in school is required online (remotely). In the face of the current situation, it
takes the ability of teachers to innovate and choose the right methods and strategies. This research
aims to increase motivation to increase student learning motivation using experimental methods on
online learning of students in grade IV elementary school year 2020/2021. This research will be
able to increase students' learning motivation and provide references for teachers / schools in
learning innovation.
This type of research is a class action study that is carried out in two cycles. The research subjects
were students of grade IV Sompok Elementary School, Sriharjo, Imogiri, Bantul which amounted to
13 students. The data collection techniques used are questionnaires and observations. The data
obtained in the form of questionnaire results and observation results. This research uses quantitative
analysis with percentage techniques and qualitative descriptive.
The results of this study show that the use of experimental methods in online learning can increase
students' learning motivation. This is indicated by data obtained from observations made during
learning through google meet and whatshapp and questionnaire results that are directly given and filled by students. Before using experimental methods, teachers more often use lecture methods and
less direct interaction in online learning. After the use of experimental methods in online learning
activities, students' learning motivation increased by 23.33% in I and increased to 21.67% in cycle
II, and was in the very high category of 85%. Student learning questionnaire data shows that there
has been an increase in student learning motivation from pre-cycle to cycle I which is 20.36%. In
cycle 1 to cycle 2 by 28.68% which reaches 88.94% in very high categories.

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