Urgency of Human Rights Education for Millennial Generation

Wiwik Okta Susilawati


Freedom demands in the name of human rights are often understood as unlimited freedom. Whereas, human rights are should be placed proportionally in line with the obligation to respect the rights of others. Respect for the rights of others is an attitude that must be displayed by those who understand about human rights, both through the process of education and daily experience. The problem formulation in this research is how much urgency of human rights understanding through human rights education for millennial generation?  The purpose of this study is to determine the urgency of human rights understanding through human rights education for millennial generation. The research was conducted with quantitative descriptive approach. The sample of research was 55 college-students of Study Program of Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan/PPKn (Pancasila and Civics Education), class of year 2009-2014 who have taken the course of Human Rights and Democracy Education. The data collection was done through multiple choice test to measure the variable of human rights understanding. Data analysis method was descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that human rights understanding through Human Rights Education falls into the category of urgent. This aspect has a great tendency of urgency with the following description: interpreting the concept of human rights from various perspectives (85.7%), giving examples of human rights violations (82%), classifying human rights concepts (72.5%), summarizing human rights history 81,25%), concluding the connection of human rights and democracy (80%), comparing the concept of Western human rights and Islamic human rights (73%), and explaining the basic human rights concept (74.7%).

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