Analisis Sistem Pengawasan Wakaf di Indonesia

Farid Rifai Farid Rifai


One of the most important elements in building the economy of the Islamic ummah in Indonesia is the practice of waqf. Although waqf has long been practiced in Indonesia even before the colonial era, it still has great potential that can be explored and developed. The existing potential cannot be reached because there are still some problems. Some of the problems are as follows: lack of public understanding of the importance of the role of waqf in improving the ummah’s economy, not yet reaching the ideal professional level in the management and management of waqf, lack of professional nadzir numbers and supervision of waqf which is still very weak which is the main problem. Supervision becomes an absolute element that must be done. A waqf institution that becomes nadzir must be willing to be audited and monitored in order to maintain, develop and distribute the results of the waqf to the fullest. In addition, supervision must be carried out so that the endowments can be carried out properly and accountability can be accounted for. The supervisory element is under the authority of the government and the community, both actively and passively. The existence of a strict and good supervision system is expected to improve the practice of waqf in Indonesia.

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