The training of Muhammadiyah preachers at the level of pimpinan daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM) of Purbalingga

Darodjat Darodjat, Sugeng Sugeng


The existence and roles of Muhammadiyah preachers (Mubaligh) are one of the most important elements for the advancement of Muhammadiyah's da'wah for progressive Islam or the leading society. To achieve the goal of the dakwah community as targetted, it is necessary to have qualified  Muhammadiyah preachers who are visionary with substantive and methodological competencies to carry out their duties and functions optimally. Without this competence, the roles of Muhammadiyah preachers will be abandoned by the ummah. Their role will be increasingly eliminated by the fast industrial revolution disruption era that reaches all aspects of life. Science and technology activities for the community (IbM) are focused on improving the competence of Muhammadiyah preachers within the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders (PDM) of Purbalingga. These activities aim to improve the quality of Muhammadiyah preachers in the regional and branch areas of Purbalingga. This IbM activity is one of the strategic solutions in providing reinforcement of the quality of preachers in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The material of the training includes the rules of reciting the Quran bilmujawwad (reciting the Qur'an in proper ways), Manhaj Tabligh Muhammadiyah, SWOT analysis, and the urgency of preaching through information technology. Based on the results of this dedication or this IbM, all participants followed this activity enthusiastically. They were able to practice the tahsin bilmujawwad recitation and could practice SWOT analysis.   


Muhammadiyah tabligh manhaj, Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of Purbalingga, tahsin bilmujawwad

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