Web based E-learning design using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 on the material of wave characteristics

Lery Anggrainy Sitio, Nova Susanti, Wawan Kurniawan


The development of ICT led to the rapid exchange of information without being impeded by the deadline and one of them affect the world of education in learning process. One of tht development of ICT in learning is learning model that uses media technology and communication (e-learning) such as internet which usually accessed by web which have been published and have URL. This research was conducted to motivate teachers as facilitators to apply ICT in teaching and learning process. In addition, the purpose of this study is to facilitate students to abtain dynamic learning resources where student can use th web for evaluation through quizzes and exercises that the results can be directly monitored by teachers. This type of research uses ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The data were analyzed by scoring according to the weight and the results will be classified by the quantitative assessment category from the Directorate of High School Development. The results show that reliability of 0.8952 this figure shows very high reliability with very good category. The implications of this study of web usage in learning is good and the goverment can provide infrastucture, equipment, facilities, and training for teachers.

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