Pembentukan hidroksiapatit pada cangkang kepiting scylla spp dengan metode pemanasan berlanjut

Sri Endang, Nurlaela Rauf


This research aimed to see the elements of Hydroxyapatite Shells characterization
results crab Scylla spp with sample preparation method. Preliminary preparation of this Scylla
spp Crab Shell sample without adding chemicals and given heating. Results from sample
preparation shells of crab Scylla spp then characterized using X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and
X-Ray Flourecence (XRF). The result of characterization showed the difference of sample
composition before sintering (without sintering), by sintering at 800°C and 900°C for 4 hours.
Obtained that the sample heated at 900°C. for 4 hours was obtained with a Hydroxyapatite
composition of 65%. This can be inferred that without providingchemical effects can be
obtained element Hydroxyapatit on Scylla Crab Shells spp.

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