Sri Utami


Government regulation no. 42 in the 1960s and no.23 year 2000 states that language indonesia was a lecture development personality.During this teachers have not realized that learning the indonesian language is the process of change knowledge or information move to the learning of languages as a communication system.If the was left, so indonesian as lecture must college could not carry the vision of the national education that have been launched by. Research and development research and development ( r amp; d & ) is research methodology used to produce certain products, and test effectiveness of the products.The application of development model formeaning response is a combination of two strategies stilistik and response readers.Through LKM and learning activities is based on the principle that system rules not all can operate but shall be construed, so that in the analysis language have to take the form of in context meaningful.Design evaluation covering the tests pertaining to were work and saw significance in a change in attitude, so that evaluas cannot be separated from a purpose and functions psikodiagnotis in general the targets were personality in a clear.This study using test personality inventory equipped with the text persuasive based multicultural marriages mathematical formula that was realized through theoretical possibilities .The assessment should not only be using the observation is not sustainable .Observation is closer to commentary , sometimes behavior is not an expression of the attitude the truth .The test in this research used to dig out needs system which created based on a list of the needs .To bore insan-insan bermatabat need hard work that indonesian language teaching material enriched the text as a device in learning system , that the vision of the national education can be reached .

Keywords: Formeaning Respons, Personality Inventory

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