Sri Waljinah


Language is a reflection of the speaker’s perspective as implied in daily communication. The history of language in communication can be investigated into a universally applicable rule called Linguistic Universals. This review discusses the linguistic rule and the linguistic universals in the development of Philosophy of Science. The purpose of this study was to describe the linguistic rule and the linguistic universals used in daily communication in Philosophy of Science. It is a qualitative descriptive research based on literature review of books and scientific journals related to Philosophy of Science and language. Data collection involved the daily Javanese and Bahasa Indonesia. The analytical technique entailed the prevailing rules of linguistic universals at the level of phonology, morphology, and semantics. The results revealed the development of language from the Ancient Greek philosophy to the contemporary philosophy shows the correlation, in which language is used to convey the concept and problems in the field of philosophy to the community. The concept of rule in the linguistic universals incorporates several linguistics elements—which are scientifically analyzed based on the phenomenon of language. Linguistic Universals is formulated based on the linguistics rules of an utterance used in daily communication as the development of language in Philosophy of Science.

Keywords: Lingusitic rule, linguistics universals, philosophy of science.

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