Debora Korining Tyas


Someone is considered capable of reading when he does not only master the skills and process of language acquisition and its usage but also can get used to using his ability to obtain and unite the structure of knowledge and everyday life. Moreover, readers can provide cultural knowledge through reading folklore. Reading using reading material of West Kalimantan folklore is one of the potentials of local wisdom that can be used as teaching materials for reading competence. Local potential must be explored to be useful and functional for the readers. The folklore does not only add to the cultural treasures but also rich with character building content implied in the story's message. Someone’s ability to read a story will be assessed on the basis of story reading assessment instrument. The nature of the assessment is a process of gathering information used as the basis of decisions, the process that must be done by teachers and lecturers as part of teaching reading competence.

Key words: assessment instrument, story reading, local wisdom

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