Putri Haryanti


This study aims to (1) Describe the message contained in the Bojo Galak songs, (2) Describe the form of maxim quality deviation in the Bojo Galak songs. The method used in this study using qualitative descriptive approach to get the conclusion of maxim quality deviation on the lyrics of the Bojo Galak songs. The object of this research is the lyrics of Bojo Galak. The data in this research is the lyrics of Bojo Galak songs. Technique of collecting data is done by documentation technique. Data validation was done using data triangulation technique and forum group discussion (FGD). Data analysis was done by content analysis method. The results show the messages contained in the lyrics of Bojo Galak songs include: (1) teaches the meaning of patience in accepting the reality of life, (2) teaches the meaning of accepting the state of the couple, (3) teaches the meaning of loyalty. The form of maxim quality deviation found in the lyrics of Bojo Galak songs, including: (1) Kudu tak trimo, bojoku pancen galak, (2) Yo wes ben nduwe bojo sing galak. Based on the research results can be concluded that in the lyrics of the Bojo Galak song found a statement that can not be believed and verified, so that the lyrics of Bojo Galak in the context of this research is said to deviate from the maxim of quality.

Keywords: Deviation, Maxim of Quality, Bojo Galak.

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