Rona Romadhianti


So many students in this country still asking about real contribution of indonesian language and philology learning. This condition reflect if students want a change in form of knowledge and learning activity. Lack of contribution from indonesian language and philology learning strengthend by fact that not many indonesian students can speak indonesian language properly in formal condition, this happen because of knowing each other principle, so there is no need to speak indonesian language properly. Ironically, there is no confidence from teacher self to place their knowledge in respectful place. When learn about indonesian language and philology, students doesn't know the benefit of learning indonesian language and philology, because the teacher did not teach indonesian language and philology thoroughly. Basically, indonesian language and philology have really important role in modern communication perspective. Indonesian language and philology offer reseptive skill(listening and watching) and productive skill(writing and speaking) which cover three aspect of learning skill that need to emphasized integratedly, they are affective, cognitive, and psikomotoric. All those skill, could become a base to learn another knowledge, and make students easier to learn. And the teachers of indonesian language and philology should place their knowledge in respectful place as indonesian language itself, which must become the center of state and nation living, as said in uud 1945 bab fiveteen pasal threetysix

Keywords: indonesianlanguage and literature,insights, students.

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Permendiknas No. 22 Tahun 2006, tentang peran Bahasa Indonesia dalam pembelajaran.

Pedoman Kurikulum 2013 tentang pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di sekolah.

Sarwiji dalam jurnal bahasa Indonesia

Undang – Undang Dasar 1945 bab XV pasal 36.

Blog goresan harapan guru.2006


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