The Students’ Perception Toward Reading in Academic Context Course to Improve Their Reading Comprehension

Tika Anggraini, Ababiel Isnaindra Prasetya, Putri Retno Pandini, Prayudha Magriby


The purpose of this research is to evaluate students' perceptions of reading in academic settings and how these perceptions can affect their reading comprehension. The research method used was interviews with respondents, namely fourth-semester English Education students. The results showed that the majority of students have a positive perception of reading in academic settings and consider it important to improve their reading comprehension. Through learning media in the form of TOEFL reading section questions, students become more accustomed to foreign vocabulary and can apply skimming and scanning techniques to facilitate their understanding of reading materials. However, of course, they also face challenges such as difficulty in understanding complex reading materials. From the results of the research, it is concluded that it is important for universities and faculties to pay attention to students' perceptions of reading and consider ways to help students overcome the challenges they face in reading in academic settings.


Reading in Academic Context Reading Comprehension Students’ Perception

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