English Online Learning and Teaching Through Packaging

Naurah Hasna Iftinan


The implementation of online learning including in language learning has been running especially after the joint decree of the four ministers announced by the minister of education and culture in 2020 with its dynamics due to the strengths and weaknesses of this learning system.  Despite the regulation to do physical and social distancing, collaborative online learning process has to be still recommended and conducted. To consume or use some products we have to know how to use and the ingredients. For general, people will fight from something that they really need. Then, the other reason why we can use packaging as the media to learn english, it is because packaging is everywhere. If we review to any media that helping us to learn, specificly English, we can find packaging easily. As the teacher, we can guide students to know the way to learn English through packaging. Then, as the students, we can practice our new or second language to understand what text in the packaging are. While cognitivist theory sees that learning is a movement from controlled to automatic processing which applied the conscious attention to the learning of individual stages through repeated aviation (Thornbury, 2005: 38). This methode is necessary, besides to learn or teach english, we can also know about the product that we want to consume or use more careful and more easy.

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