The lack of ability to develop children's reseptive language is influenced by the methods used to develop children's language is not optimal. The low ability of teachers and parents to develop children's language, especially reseptive language, so that it still makes children not understand what is conveyed by the teacher. The low reseptive language skills of children can influence cognitive development and development in the future. According to Owens (in Papalia, et al., 2015: 340) at the age of 3 years a child can use 900 to 100 words by saying 12,000 every day. At the age of 6 a child usually talks with 2,600 words and understands more than 20,000 words. Through this method, it will be easier to optimize the development of the child's language that greatly influences how children understand and understand a word that can help children in learning. The benefits of this method, children can develop Linguistic intelligence in children, make it easier for children to understand reseptive language by using fun methods by playing and learning children will understand the language better, and foster interest in reading children from an early age. The Glenn Doman method is one method that is expected to develop the child's language with media that is easy, fun and not boring so that children are easy to understand. This method can make it easier for teachers to optimize children's language through appropriate and appropriate methods.
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