Meningkatkan Motorik Kasar Anak TK Usia 4-5 Tahun dengan Bermain Lompat Tali

Novida Novida


The gross motoric ability of kindergarten children aged 4 - 5 years has not developed optimally. This is evidenced by several conditions in the activities of children jumping, kicking, running, going up and down stairs with alternating feet have not shown maximum results. This is also because the interest of children in doing gross motor skills is very low, not in accordance with the stages of children's motor development, and the lack of stimulus from the teacher in developing gross motor aspects in children.

Physical motor development is very important to be discussed so that children are able to develop gross motor skills to introduce and practice rough movements that use large muscles in some or all of the gross motoric members of the child, in order to maintain balance, agility, strength and accuracy. Playing activities are activities that have no other rules except those set by the player themselves and there are no final results (Hurlock 1997: 320). According to Mayke S. Tedjasaputra, what is important and necessary in playing activities is a feeling of pleasure characterized by laughter.

Through the method of rope jumping, it is expected to develop the gross motor skills of children optimally according to the developmental stage. Playing jump rope can train the rough movements of children, improve the ability to manage, control body movements and coordination, and improve body skills and healthy ways of life, so as to support physical growth that is healthy, strong, and skilled.

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Hurlock, Elizabeth B, 1997, “ Psikologi Perkembangan Suatu Pendekatan rentang Kehidupan”, Edisi kelima, Erlangga

Tedjasaputra, Mayke S. 2001, Bermain, Mainan, dan Permainan. Jakarta: Grasindo, JL. Palmerah Selatan 28-29

Made Ayu Anggraeni, Yunus Karyanto dan Wadiatu Khairati A.S. Pengaruh Permaianan Tradisional Lompat Tali Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Kasar Usia 5 – 6 tahun


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