Pembelajaran Inovatif-Inspiratif Untuk Menciptakan Generasi Milenial Berkarakter dengan Pendidikan Karakter Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045: Hambatan dan Tantangannya

Yulinda Randi


The ease of obtaining information received by the public from the outside world and freely accessed creates an impact on changes in people’s behavior, especially the millennial generation who live in the era of globalization with current technological advances. An example of this is the existence of  promiscuity which is misinterpreted with consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, drug use and free sex in adolescence.

Character education is very  important as a preventive force for the negative influence of globalization which is increasingly entering the Indonesian society. Education builds character, implicitly implies building behavior traits or patterns that are based or related to positive or good moral dimensions, not negative or bad ones. This is supported by Peterson and Seligman who relate directly character strength to policy (Raka, 2007:5). Therefore, the need for full attention from the government in developing character education programs to build national character, one of which is by providing qualified educators and in its implementation through supervision and evalution.

The number of obstacles and challenges faced in the formation of national character is an important task for the government to give full attention in carrying out a patterned and measurable character education program in order to create a millennial generation that is qualified and has superior competence in competing in the globalization era.

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