Penguatan Literasi Digital Berbasis Seni Budaya Di SD Muhamadiyah Mertosanan Potorono Bantul

Fery Setyaningrum, Lovandi Dwanda Putra, Probosiwi Probosiwi, Kurnia Putri Nur Wijaya Mukti, Tsaqufa Najiba As Shalikhah, Hidayat Primdani


Problems at SD Muhammadiyah Potorono Bantul, Lack of Digital Literacy in schools which is very much needed by Students, Teachers and the School Environment Community. Teachers themselves still lack the competence to use media or digital applications to improve student literacy. Students, Teachers and Other School Citizens that are suitable for use in Improving Digital Literacy. There is no good integration between Digital Literacy and Local Wisdom in the School Environment. This Community Service aims to improve the Digital Literacy Ability of Students, Teachers and School Residents who are integrated with Local Wisdom in the School Surrounding Environment. In addition, it provides insight into how important digital literacy is to students, teachers and residents of SD Muhammadiayah Mertosanan Potorono Bantul, improving good integration between local wisdom and digital literacy. The service method carried out in this service is the lecture method, performance, Self and Group Reflection, measuring the achievement of understanding. The results of the service obtained before this service was carried out were pretested to find out how strong the understanding of the service participants was about digital literacy, local wisdom and art. Where before the training, 53% of participants understood culture-based digital literacy. After the training has increased by 90%. The impact given by doing this service is to increase students' understanding of digital literacy, art and art criticism and posters as well as assisting service participants in making it easier to make posters by raising local wisdom in the surrounding area.


Local Wisdom, Digital Literacy, Art, Poster

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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