Suryana Hendrawan, Ani Muttaqiyathun, Suryana Hendrawan


The rapid development of information technology makes information currently spread very quickly and massively. The information contains positive information and negative information. Information technology can be through many platforms, one of which is social media. The existence of social media has become a necessity. Social media is not only used as a medium of communication and information, but also as a medium of da'wah. Da'wah through social media is not only a trend, but also a lifestyle in the digital era. The purpose of this community service is to optimize digital media for da'wah, and the challenges of da'i in facing the millennial era. This service is carried out by training methods with the material of Change Management and Training Digitization of da'wah for pluralism and economic improvement of the Bangunharjo Muhammadiyah Branch which in this case was developed in one of the AUM in Bangunharjo. PkM activities by the PPM-UAD team were carried out on August 6, 2022 with outputs in the form of capacity building related to change management and digital literacy.


Digital Da'wah; Social Media; Muhammadiyah Bangunharjo

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
LPPM Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
UAD Kampus 2 Unit B, Jl. Pramuka No.5F, Pandeyan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161

p-ISSN: 2686-2972 | e-ISSN: 2686-2964

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