Candra Vionela Merdiana, Permata Dian P, Sukardi Sukardi


The change from a pandemic to an endemic is the right momentum for the economic revival of MSMEs in Yogyakarta, as an area with a large Muslim population, the revival of a mosque- based economy is not impossible considering that Islamic teachings are complex in regulating everything. in aspects of life including the economic field and it is proven that the Prophet SAW did it. The purpose of this service is to make this economic revival momentum to develop mosque-based MSMEs by developing a Creative Economy Zone located at the Aceh Mosque owned by the Muhammadiyah Branch Manager of Kasihan-Bantul. The method used in this service is the MSME product development training method at the Aceh Kasihan Mosque, Bantul. by developing the potential of the Kasihan-Bantul Aceh Mosque. This service

collaborates with Branches and Ortoms in the Kasihan Bantul neighborhood to become tenants in the creative economy area around the Aceh Kasihan Bantul Mosque. This service will be held on July 26, 2022 s.d. July 30, 2022 with PKM outputs in the form of increasing tenant capacity and the formation of a business community run by Ortom at the Muhammadiyah Kasihan Branch and the Baiturahman Aceh Mosque.



Economic Zone, Creative, MSME, Mosque

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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