Optimizing Literacy for Children of Migrant Workers at the Locally Based Guidance Studio (SB) Kulim Malaysia

Iis Suwartini, Vera Yuli Erviana, Niluh Sekar Zulfa Umardhani, Walidatul Ulya, Herlin Sopianti


Children of migrant workers in Malaysia also need proper education. Limited human resources and learning processes that are not yet optimal have an impact on learning achievement. It is very dangerous that the literacy skills of migrant workers' children are very low. Not many can read and write. Therefore, literacy optimization activities based on local wisdom were held. The aim of the activity is to increase children's literacy and understanding of Indonesian culture. The methods used are: (1) literacy training in reading and arithmetic, (2) assistance in using the edugame application Alphabeta and Pipolondo, (3) parenting training, (4) cultural literacy training in the form of traditional dance, national songs and flag ceremonies. The result of this service is an increase in literacy understanding. The pre-test result was 65 at the time of the post test to 85. This shows that students' literacy understanding has increased after treatment. Students also have new knowledge regarding Indonesian history and culture.

Keywords: Literacy, Kulim guidance studio, local wisdom


Literacy, Kulim guidance studio, local wisdom

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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