Sosialisasi dan pelatihan ice breaking sebagai model pembelajaran pada kelompok kerja guru muhammadiyah Kapanewon Tempel

Muhammad Zuhaery, Dian Hidayati, Muhammad Hidayat


This community service aims to enable Muhammadiyah teachers at Kapanewon Tempel to innovate in implementing learning, especially through providing the Ice Breaking method. By having ice breaking skills in teachers during learning, it is hoped that they can build a dynamic learning atmosphere full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm that is fun, serious but relaxed and not monotonous in learning. And apply it to motivate students before learning begins, which will ultimately focus students on the subject matter to be studied. This activity method consists of three stages, namely; 1) Pre-planning, where at this stage problem identification, analysis and alternative problem solving are carried out, 2) Planning, namely designing activities to be implemented based on the results of pre-planning, and 3) Socialization of learning methods that have been created in the form of presentation of material related to partner problems , and Ice Breaking training which is a solution to partner problems. The conclusion obtained from this service activity is that the realization of all the agendas and plans that have been set are running well and with solutions. The suggestion that can be given is that there should be a similar program related to optimizing learning methods, so that the quality of better education increases, which is the hope of the community.


Keywords : 1; Socialization 2; Method 3; Learning 4; Ice Breaking 5; Pleasant

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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