Pelatihan amil pada lembaga amil zakat infaq sadaqah muhammadiyah Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat

Andy Putra Wijaya, Amrullah Amrullah, Fitria Nurma Sari, Hilma Fanniar Rohman, Sheraton Pawestri, Yasir Marzuqi


Amil zakat is a term given to institutions or bodies that collect, manage and distribute zakat. Amil has a very important role in achieving the goals of zakat. The purpose of amil zakat training is to form and increase the capacity of amil, both in collecting, managing and utilizing zakat. This community service activity provides a solution to the problem of professionalism and optimization of amil zakat institutions based on the method of strengthening understanding of the management of zakat institutions from various aspects: understanding fiqh, technology, operations, management, and the sense of patriotism. The community service method has a systematically planned thought design base including a series of dialogical workshop activities to find solutions to existing problems in the current context by involving all stakeholders, including the Board of Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah Social Enterprise, and Muhammadiyah’s Department of Charity Management, based on stages to overcome problems with solutions in key areas including expertise, knowledge, quality, transparency, managerial expertise, collection, management and utilization. The results and outcomes of the program after this community service activity were an increase in knowledge about the management of the institution and the zakat collection model. Furthermore, increased knowledge of zakat utilization helps the fundraising process both digital fundraising and traditional fundraising.


Amil; Empowerment; Devotion; Muhammadiyah; Zakat

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Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Putra Wijaya, Amrullah Amrullah, Fitria Nurma Sari, Hilma Fanniar Rohman, Sheraton Pawestri, Yasir Marzuqi

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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