Edukasi pencegahan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga pada kader aisyiyah di Sewon Utara-Kabupaten Bantul

Ratu Matahari, Tyas Aisyah Putri, Dody Hartanto


The acceptance and integration of domestic abuse against women is prevalent throughout contemporary culture. This perspective is intended to perpetuate the hegemony of masculinity. The purpose of the community devotion activities is to assess and record the educational initiatives conducted by the Ahmad Dahlan University dedication team for the Aisyiyah cadres in North Sewon, Bantul district, specifically focused on preventing domestic violence education. The employed methodology entails a participatory approach, wherein the executive team and the Aisyiyah cadres engage in collaborative efforts. The educational outcomes indicate that the community engagement initiatives provided to Aisyiyah cadres have played a substantial role in enhancing public consciousness of the domestic violence and its preventive measures.


domestic violence; bias gender; Aisyiyah cadres; gender education

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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