Pemanfaatan TOGA sebagai bahan soapbar pada anggota Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (NA) cabang Pakem

widyasari putranti, siti fatmawati fatimah, citra aryani edityaningrum


TOGA are home-grown plants that have medicinal properties. Lemongrass efficacious as an antibacterial is one of the main TOGA that grows in the Pakem area. Utilization of orange peel waste is also often not optimal and becomes a waste in the surrounding environment. Community service methods are carried out to provide understanding of the use of TOGA and fruit waste to the teenagers of the NA branch of pakem carried out preparation and surveys, counseling and training. Dedication with counseling methods, training and assistance in the use of TOGA and waste in making soapbar is more effective and proven to increase the ability of participants to understand the material. Utilization of TOGA is not only limited to herbal preparations or other medicinal preparations, but can also be used as an ingredient in making soapbar which is in demand by many teenagers.


TOGA,teenagers of the NA branch of Pakem, soapbar

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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