Upaya perbaikan mutu kripik sayur dengan mengurangi kadar minyak menggunakan mesin spiner; pelatihan dan pendampingan

Iis Wahyunungsih, Arif Budi Setianto, Tedjo Yuwono


 Gatak, Bokoharjo Village has the potential to be developed into a center for producing vegetable chips. in addition to the abundance of raw materials, it is also supported by good marketing potential because it is located near to the tourist area of Prambanan temple, Ijo temple, Ratu Boko temple and Breksit Cliff, respectively. Some processed products include spinach leaf chips, bitter melon and cassava leaves. At present, the number of vegetable chip producers in the village is 4 families. The problem faced by chip producer in the village is the short life of the product due to the high oil content. The purpose of this program is that the producers can use spinner machines properly and correctly, so that the quality and stability of vegetable chips increases. The method of implementing activities to solve the problems is by training and mentoring the use of spinner tools. Chips craftsman producers can use spinner machines accordingly and the quality of vegetable chip products improves because of reduced oil content.


training, mentoring, spinners, vegetable chips

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Copyright (c) 2019 Iis Wahyunungsih, Arif Budi Setianto, Tedjo Yuwono

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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