Inisiasi pembentukan desa siaga donor darah di Dusun Pagerjurang, Desa Kepuharjo, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Kabupaten Sleman, DIY

Meyta Wulandari, Wiwit Sepvianti, Ridha Tania, Ana Nur ‘Aini



The initiation establishment of blood donor alert village is an initial effort that can be done to achieve welfare of health for village community. One of the aim is overcome health problem and maternal mortality due to bleeding during childbird, therefore the society needs prepared to be able independence in overcoming health issues both in daily and during disaster occours, through the establishment of blood donor alert village. The effort made are by socializing the idea of establishing a blood donor alert village to village officials, educating the society through counseling the importance of blood donation, besides checking and collecting data on the blood type of society to a blood type database. The result obtained percentage of population by sex are 52% female and 48% male with an age range 17-60 years one of the requirements become potential donors and distribution of blood type society are O 35% , A 30%, B 24% and AB 11%. The data can be used to support Maternity Planning and Prevention Complications Program for reducing maternal mortality and other diseases that require blood transfusion.


Alert village, blood type, P4K

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Copyright (c) 2019 Meyta Wulandari, Wiwit Sepvianti, Ridha Tania, Ana Nur ‘Aini

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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p-ISSN: 2686-2972 | e-ISSN: 2686-2964

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