Pelatihan pengembangan strategi pembelajaran berbasis lesson study learning community di SMP/MTs Muhammadiyah Bantul

Nani Aprilia, Etika Dyah Puspitasari


The training activities on learning strategies based on Lesson Community Lesson Community were carried out in collaboration with Muhammadiyah Imogiri Middle School and Muhammadiyah Pepe MTs. This activity was carried out for three days using lecture, reflection, question and answer, KISS and game methods. Based on the results of the activity of the training, it was found that the participation rate of the participants reached an average of 68.75%. The level of material achievement was 89% each for systematic delivery, 90% for clarity, 87% for contributions in increasing knowledge, 98% for benefits at work and 97% for compliance with training objectives. Evaluation of the ability of interviewees in providing category entry training was very good with an average of 96%.


Lesson study, strategy, Muhammadiyah Junior High School

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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