Edukasi Covid-19 dan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui program KKN KLB, desa Kelinjau Ulu, Muara Ancalong, Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur

Rudy Agung Nugroho, Anton Rahmadi, Fachreza Arin Saputra, Rina Nabila, Suratmi Suratmi, Dewi Wardana, Ayu Indah Dwi Novianti Wibowo, Nailil Muna Alfu Laila


Community Service Program-Extraordinary Condition/outbreak (KKN-KLB) is an educational activity, which was held during the Covid-19 pandemic. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the implementation of KKN being carried out through online system to prevent and inhibit the spread of the corona virus. The activity was held in Kelinjau Ulu village from 8 July to18 August 2020. This program took the theme of covid-19 education and community empowerment. Activities carried out in the form of education about Covid-19  through banners, educational videos on how to wash hands properly and correctly, the application of budikdamber (fish farming in buckets) without electricity on narrow land as an economic enhancer, Prospects for business activities to make cloth masks for the people of  Kelinjau village ulu, educational posters and banners on how to maintain mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic. The activities carried out by 6 students from various faculties who accompanied by field supervisors and field assistants and involved community components. The activity was properly done and got a positive response from the community. In conclusion, the resident from Kelinjau ulu got more information about covid-19 and becomes more understanding in anticipating the spread of the corona virus, knowing community empowerment efforts, especially during the pandemic. Even though there were some problems during the program, such as internet networks and technological infrastructure, this KLB KKN had a positive impact on the local community, in Kelinjau Ulu, East Kutai.


Covid-19 education, Empowerment, KKN-KLB, Kelinjau Ulu, Kutai Timur

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Copyright (c) 2020 Rudy Agung Nugroho, Anton Rahmadi, Fachreza Arin Saputra, Rina Nabila, Suratmi Suratmi, Dewi Wardana, Ayu Indah Dwi Novianti Wibowo, Nailil Muna Alfu Laila

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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