Motivasi guru sekolah dasar pada pelatihan pengembangan alat evaluasi berorientasi HOTS dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi covid 19

Ika Maryani, Sri Tutur Martaningsih


Teacher assistance on learning evaluation systems that are oriented towards higher order thinking skills is an important part of curriculum development in 2013. This programme is answering problems that occur with partners, where teachers' understanding of higher order thinking skills-based learning evaluation systems is still lacking. The teacher has not been able to plan HOTS-based questions and to analyze items. This program aims to improve the motivation and skills of elementary school teachers in PCM Kalasan in developing evaluation tools. This program uses training and mentoring methods. Motivation data were obtained from a questionnaire consisting of 32 statements including aspects of self-efficacy, intrinsic value, test anxienty, cognitive strategy use, self-regulation. Data analysis used descriptive statistics to find categories of participants during the training. The results of the analysis showed that during the training, the motivation of 17.39% of the participants was high, 73.91% was moderate, and 8.70% was high.


motivation, elementary school teachers, evaluation, HOTS

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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