Menumbuhkan kepedulian lingkungan Pimpinan Cabang Nasyiatul ‘Aisyiyah Gamping di era pandemi Covid-19

Destri Ratna Ma'rifah, Ariati Dina Puspitasari, Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa, Fatimah Fatimah, Frida Nora Ayu Basri, Moh Heri, Nunung Azizah


Environmental conditions that are increasingly showing a decline need a response from the community. Branch Manager Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Gamping as a community organization eager to contribute to the environment. The aim of the program was growing the  environmental awareness of the participants in order to contribute to the environment. This is in accordance with its vision, namely to make its members as environmental cadres who can provide solutions to environmental problems. As an environmental cadre, an understanding of environmental literacy is needed. Even though it is a pandemic, these community service activities can still be carried out online. Activities were held through lecture and practical sessions. The lecture session was held by video conferences and the practical session was carried out once through the Whatsapp Group The result of the lecture session was that the participants' understanding of environmental literacy. The results after following the
practice, participants can make various posters containing environmental issues or an invitation to protect the environment. The impact of this training is that the participants are more eager to do something for the environment by making environmental themed posters.


Nasyiatul Aisyiyah, environmental awareness, poster

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Copyright (c) 2020 Destri Ratna Ma'rifah, Ariati Dina Puspitasari, Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa, Fatimah Fatimah, Frida Nora Ayu Basri, Moh Heri, Nunung Azizah

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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