Edukasi Gizi Terkait Imunitas dan Penyimpanan Bahan Makanan Pada Ibu dan Remaja Putri di Pakanewon Mlati

Rosyida Awalia Safitri, Khairunisa Ramadhani, Carissa Araminta, Dean Febriyanti, Rohman Hidayat, Yuni Wahyuningsih Setiawan


The phenomenon of panic buying occurs in the community, especially housewives. This phenomenon happened during the Covid-19 pandemic which has been running for more than a year. In addition to increase the body's immunity and avoid the transmission of the Covid-19 virus, housewives buy food in large quantities and store them at home. Unfortunately, most mothers do not know how to store food properly. The aim of this community service is to increase mothers' and young women's knowledge about nutrition and immunity during the pandemic and how to store food ingredients properly. The method used in this community service is education with an experimental design that is assessed through pre-test and post-test. The results show that there are 33% who got perfect scores in the post-test of Food Storage, while scores 8 and 9 are 37% and 30% respectively. In addition, in the post-test regarding education to increase immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic the highest score was at 10 points (33%) but the lowest score in 7 points (23%). The average level of knowledge in Food Storage increases by 20%, while the topic of immunity during the COVID-19 increased by 33%. The impact given to this community service is levelling up knowledge about food storage and immunity related to the foods and behaviour change of the participants on food storage before and after the education as seen from the observations made by the community service team.


Knowledge; Immunity Nutrition; Food Storage; Covid-19; Online

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Copyright (c) 2021 Rosyida Awalia Safitri, Khairunisa Ramadhani

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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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