Energy Saving Strategy for Sustainable Vertical Housing Design

Endang Setyawati, Endah Tisnawati, Zamrudin Zamrudin


Background: Providing housing with the Eco-Friendly Architecture concept is one of the plans to solve the problem of livable housing for the poor in Bengkulu Province. Through a strategy to maximize the use of natural energy to achieve efficient energy conditions, it aims to reduce energy consumption in the operational use of buildings by residents.

Method: The research method used is the experimental method. Furthermore, an analysis is carried out using EDGE software to assess whether the proposed design meets the eco-friendly principles related to energy efficiency.

Results: Maximizing natural energy in design is conducted by performing treatments between maximizing openings for natural lighting and natural conditioning, using bluescape in the form of an artificial lake as a reservoir for green water from bathrooms and washing areas, using roof gardens and installing solar panels to capture solar heat energy, and collecting drainage water as water to be reprocessed as water for washing, bathing and watering the garden.

Conclusion: Various design alternatives are produced to obtain optimal results in terms of energy saving, water efficiency and material efficiency.

Keywords: Artificial; Natural Energy; Sustainable

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