Women’s Roles as Preventor of Radicalism and Terorrism

Atikah Rahmi, Faradila Umaya Nasution


Terrorism practices are a transnational crime. It tends to decrease in a few years. Ironically, it has a woman implicated. Women's implications in terrorism practice systems are progressive concomitant with information technology, particularly social media networks that are the biggest influence to spread radicalism by women. Regarding the FKPT-BNPT observation result in 2020, women are a susceptible group radicalism attached. Patriarchal culture is rooted in women's station in subordinate positions, becoming Jihad as validation of the reason towards terrorism practice. For the matter, women's position is great as Ambassador of peace. Women's action as an educator, the hospitality of religion at home, member of the community and social activist are really important in counter-terrorism effort. Through normative research with gathering some literature from a journal, book, and social media, the article will explain by qualitative. This article will also operate United Nations resolution No. 1325 about Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) and Perpres No. 7/2021 about RAN PE, largely will explain roles and women involvement in counter efforts. It becomes a standpoint privately for women to sound reconciliation that starts from the family, social environment by national program alertness, furthermore radicalization and deradicalization contrast.

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