The Correlation Between Self-Efficacy and English Proficiency of University English Students

Saskiya Rizky Saputri, Feizal Aziez Aziez


Self-Efficacy in English language proficiency may affect the level of success in student English language learning. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to find out whether self-efficacy significantly correlates with the English language proficiency of English language education students. This study used a quantitative and correlation approach, with data collection methods using a questionnaire. The research subjects were fifty English education students at one of the Purwokerto universities. They filled out the self-efficacy questionnaires and took the EPT test, which was held by the English language education study program. This study uses Pearson Product Moment analysis to identify whether there is a significant correlation between the two variables. Hypothesis Null is accepted with the statement that the two variables have no significant correlation. The result shows that there is no significant correlation between self-efficacy and English proficiency of university English students.


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Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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