The Influence of Pedagogical Competence of English Teacher on Students Learning Motivation at SMPN 2 Ngaglik

Himayatun Nadiya


Pedagogic competence is an important aspect in a learning process that must be possessed by a teacher. Pedagogic competence is the ability that must be possessed by a teacher to carry out obligations responsibly. If teacher have a good pedagogical competence, then his abilities will be better too.

This study aims to (1) determine the level of competence of English teacher at SMP N 2 Ngaglik, (2) determine the level of students motivation in SMP N 2 Ngaglik, (3) determine the influence of pedagogic competence of English teacher with students learning motivation at SMP N 2 Ngaglik.

This study used quantitative methods with a research sample of 24 respondents with purposive sampling techniques. In data collection, researchers used questionnaires totaling 15 points for pedagogic competence and 20 points for student learning motivation. This research data analysis uses a simple linear regression analysis technique with the help of SPSS version 25.0 for windows.

Based on the results of the study, the results were obtained:  English teachers of SMP N 2 Ngaglik have a level of pedagogic competence in the low category of 50%, the learning motivation of SMPN 2 Ngaglik students is also included in low category of 50%. From the results of simple linear regression shows that a significant value of 0.048 < 0.05, then Ha is accepted which means that there is an influence between the pedagogic competence of English teachers and student motivation at SMP N 2 Ngaglik.

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Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Kragilan, Tamanan, Kec. Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55191, Indonesia
