The Correlation Between The Reading and Vocabulary Mastery of English Education Students

Nurul Anjarwati


Vocabulary knowledge is essential knowledge to acquire English as a foreign language, and reading is one of potential ways to increase an individual's vocabulary. However, some English students often come across a new word that seems complicated and discontinue reading due to their limited vocabulary. As a result, students who have poor reading habits can ultimately have limited vocabulary knowledge. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the reading habits of English Education students have a significant correlation with their vocabulary mastery in order to determine that the consistency of reading can improve vocabulary mastery, considering the more frequently students read, the more advanced the students' vocabulary proficiency. The research design was a correlational study. The instruments consist of a questionnaire and a multiple-choice test for collecting quantitative data from 30 English Education students. A questionnaire is carried out to obtain the information regarding students' reading habits while multiple choice test is utilized to collect data of vocabulary proficiency. The findings show there is very low correlation between Reading Habit and Vocabulary Mastery of the English Education students.


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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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