Pre-Implementing Strategies of Continuing Professional Development of High-Achieving English Teachers

Ahmad Jawahir


English teachers need to implement continuing professional development in case intending to improve their competency and carrier. To achieve it effectively, they need to apply strategies of self-management. The importance of continuing professional development and self-management led to the urgency of research on both, especially those implemented by a high-achieving teacher. The recent study aimed to discover the self-management strategies that a high-achieving English teacher named Badriah had applied before she implemented her professional development. It adopted two main frameworks: self-management for teachers, proposed by Wing Ming Cheung and Yin Cheong Cheng, and continuous professional development, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. It used a narrative qualitative design in the form of a biography. It employed an interview and a portfolio study to collect data. It utilized transcription-coding-interpretation steps to analyze the collected data. It found that the outstanding teacher had applied three self-management strategies before implementing her professional development. They are analyzing her self-condition, planning her continuous professional development, and developing and directing herself to prepare it.


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