An analysis of students’ responses in English language learning through The Shaw English YouTube channel

Eva Rosantika, Susilawati Susilawati, Eline Rozaliya Winarto


In this era, we must be able to speak foreign languages. English to be precise. Because, English is an international language and as the language of instruction in work, business, lifestyle, education system, mass media, entertainment, etc. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to find out whether Students' responses when learning English through Shaw English and to know the Shaw English Youtube channel can help students to be an English language learner. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research were students of kartika high school Cirebon grade X nursing that watched Shaw English on their youtube account. The data were collected from the interview and questionnaire were conducted to students who watched Shaw English. The result of this research shows that (1) Students gave positive responses to the Shaw English Youtube channel as much 90%. Students stated that they were satisfied with the Shaw English Youtube channel, bacause Shaw English is very useful as a reference for learning English which is presented in the video content. (2) The Shaw English youtube channel helps students become English learners by facilitating students about English learning content, so that students are facilitated with English learning videos that suit students' needs. Students liked content about grammar as much 55%, vocabulary as much 25%, tenses as much 10%, part of speech as much 5%, and pronunciation as much 5%. The result shows that students chose writing skill, namely there were 45%. Besides that, speaking skill were 20%, reading skill were 15% and listening skill were 20%. It can be concluded that most of students chose writing skill which could improve their ability in English.

Keywords : English language learning, Shaw English, Youtube



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