An analysis of G-Form used in English evaluation process at Muhammadiyah University of Mataram

Muhammad Zikril Hakim, Hidayati Hidayati, Rima Rahmaniah


This study aims to identify the role of Google Forms in the English evaluation process at Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. This research employs a qualitative approach, collecting data through questionnaires distributed to lecturers and students. The findings reveal that Google Forms significantly enhances the learning experience by making the evaluation process more participatory and engaging. Lecturers reported that the tool facilitates quick and easy information gathering, simplifies data interpretation, and improves time and work efficiency. Moreover, the student feedback indicated high levels of interest (95.2%), convenience (88.9%), improved exam scores (94.4%), and time management (77.8%). These results suggest that the use of Google Forms supports better learning outcomes and encourages continuous learning among students. The real-time data collection and analysis capabilities of Google Forms enable teachers to provide immediate feedback, which is crucial for student development. This study confirms the significant impact of Google Forms in modern educational practices, highlighting its value in creating an interactive and efficient evaluation process. Future research could explore the long-term effects of digital tools on student engagement and performance. 

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