Student perception towards the use of Webtoon in teaching reading

Adib Mujiburrahman Athallah, Hidayati Hidayati Hidayati


A webtoon platform provides many comics in various genres that are interesting to read. The webtoon platform is also free and can be accessed easily for various ages. Webtoon is a platform that can help in teaching reading by interesting pictures with word and provides many kinds of interesting stories. The use of webtoon in teaching reading has gained popularity in recent years due to its engaging and interactive nature. This research focuses on the students’ perceptions towards the use of webtoon in teaching reading. This research employs descriptive qualitative method with Closed-Ended Questionnaire was distributed to the students as the procedure of data collecting. The data interpreted descriptively. The participants of the study are the fourth semester students of English Education at Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. Based on this research it was determined that the students are more enthusiastic, active, and interested in learning reading process by using Webtoon. It could be concluded that the webtoons has positive impact in teaching reading. The study highlighted the potential of webtoon as an attractive learning medium in teaching reading, as it can enhance students reading skills through its interactive features.

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