Pragmatic analysis of compliments used by the characters in Zootopia movie and its application in teaching speaking at senior high school

Ludiro Suryo Aziz Manitis, Dwi Santoso


This study focuses on the compliments used by the characters in the Zootopia movie. Compliment is a speech act that frequently occurs in everyday conversation. The objectives of this research are to analyze the topic of compliments expression, responses to compliment, and to describe the application of complimenting expression used by the characters in teaching speaking. This research is a qualitative research. This research uses a pragmatic approach. The researcher takes data from movie and it is in form of script of film. To collect the data, the researcher did some steps: the first watching The zootopia movie and carefully checking both movie and script in order to have exact data. Then, to analyze the data, the researcher uses theory from holmes about topic of compliment and herbert about response of compliment. From the research result, the researcher finds four topics of compliments expressed by the character in the zootopia movie. They are expressions of appearance 3 data (15%) , possession 3 data (15%), Skill or Abilities 11 data (55%) and personality 3 data (15%). There are two compliments response used by the characters in the zootopia movie, those are  agreement 15 data (75%) , and non-agreement 5 data (25%). The results of analysis of compliments that were used in the Zootopia movie can be applied in teaching speaking at Senior High School as instructional resources for the material about complimenting and congratulating others.

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